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Freighting You Are Constantly Being Pulled to The Center Of The Earth

26 Mar, 2019 Freighting You Are Constantly Being Pulled to The Center Of The Earth

Freighting You Are Constantly Being Pulled to The Center Of The Earth

In last two articles, I have talked about role of sun energies and magnetic energies of the earth in tenets of Vastushastra. Now in this article before starting to answer reader’s questions I will talk of other two energies of Vastushastra i.e. gravitational force of the earth and wind force in detail. 

You are constantly being pulled to the center of the earth and this force which is acting on you is gravitational pull. This force normally is concentrated at the center of the objects and keeping any heavy objects at this point may harm the structure that is why Vastushastra say to keep center empty or have central courtyard. This courtyard will also act as an excellent source of ventilation apart from being a family area where everybody of family old and young can meet.

Gravitational force acts mainly on the structure and this formed part of Vastushastra because in ancient times there were no architects and engineers to design and construct house. The house were constructed by common people on their own and many Vastushastra tenets gave detail of construction e.g. Vastushastra recommended size of rooms, shapes of rooms, dimension of rooms, windows / door sizes and locations, thickness of walls etc. Today as an architect when I read tenets of Vastushastra pertaining to structure part I wonder about extensive knowledge of stages that wrote about Vastushastra in the technical field also. As an architect when I sit to calculate the size of a wooden column with help of calculator it works out the same as prescribed in Vastushastra, is not it amazing?

Today Science has advance so much in the field of construction with the help of modern technology, material and machinery; many Vastushastra tenets pertaining to construction are redundant.

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